Friday, January 04, 2008

Fear of Change

We are often afraid of change because it means giving up something we want or losing something we already have. We protect even the painful way things are because familiarity seems so much more comfortable and less scary. Like the Gerasene people, we may be so afraid of change that we are limiting God's ability to work and more us forward. ~ Lose it for Life Day by Day, April 11th

The fear of change is my biggest obstacle for this move we are thinking of making (the 2nd biggest is fear of the traffic I will have to endure there).

I read this really good quote this morning:

If you think the name 'Jesus' continually, it purges your sin and kindles your heart; it clarifies your soul, it removes anger and does away with slowness. It wounds in love and fulfills charity. It chases the devil and puts out dread. It opens heaven, and makes you a contemplative. It puts all vices and phantoms from the lover. ~ Richard Rolle via the Magnificat, January 3rd


izitjo said...

I haven't visited in a while but I'm so blessed to see that you're so consistent in your commitment to be healthy physically and spiritually. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and finding it hard to get my head around the necessary 'life-style change'. It's as much a change to 'Godly' thinking as much as it is necessary changes in behaviour.

God bless you think New Year. :)

izitjo said...

oops... typo.

God bless you 'this' New Year but I guess God bless you, 'think' New Year works too!