Sunday, December 23, 2007

Friend to Self

The following is from Lose it for Life Day by Day, March 29th. I was supposed to read this yesterday but I never got around to it. I needed it today because yesterday was a splurge because we went out to eat at our favorite Italian restaurant. I would have been tempted to beat myself up about that today, had I not read this.

A friend loves at all times. ~ Proverbs 17:17

We need the acceptance and love of dear friends who will support our mission to recover health and who will walk beside us through thick and thin (no pun intended). We need those into whom we can pour ourselves as well, and offer the same love and presence that is so important to us.

By being a friend who loves at all times, we find that we have something of value to offer. We can make a difference in the life of someone who will be blessed by our love.

Today, we have the perfect candidate to start blessing. This person desperately needs us to come through with consistent kindness. It is the person named "Myself." Just as we are friends with others, so we can be a friend to ourselves. Rather than condemn ourselves with cruelty we wouldn't give to a mangy dog, we can instead be gentle, acting from love at all times. We can support our own mission for healthy living and offer the same spirit of compassion that we so desperately need from others. We can receive and give love in friendship; we can be a friend to self.

Today, Lord, may I receive the love of my friends and offer that love to myself and to others.

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