Thursday, December 20, 2007

Goals for 2007

Since 2007 is starting to wind down, I thought I should look at the goals I set for the year and see how I am doing.

Goals for the Spiritual Journey
Read through the bible using the Max Lucado Devotional Bible ~ I'm on track to complete this.
Read A Year with C.S. Lewis ~ I am a few days behind on this, but will complete it.
Read My Utmost for His Highest ~ I'm on track to complete this.
Review "Memorize the Message" scriptures. I will at least review the current week but I won't stress out about memorizing each week. ~ I did not memorize any scriptures, but I have kept up with them. Currently, the verse of the week is in my closet so I can review it every day when I put on my jewelry.
Journalling ~ This blog has been my journal and I have done good with posting almost daily. I think I could go "deeper" with my posts and maybe as I continue blogging I will eventually do that.

Goals for the Fitness Journey
Maintain weekly average weight between 127 and 131 ~ Somewhere during the year, I decided this weight range was too low for me and I changed it to 130-134. I haven't been in my weight range every week of the year, but I am there now.
Average 30 minutes of exercise per day ~ I have done this up until my surgery and I am looking forward to getting back to my exercise routine when I am recovered.
Keep track of exercise using ~ Done.
Attend Weight Watcher's Meeting at least once a month ~ Done and free lifetime every month.
Set up at least one appointment with a trainer at the gym ~ Not done and too late to do since I can't exercise right now.
Keep tracking of my "Healthy Habits," adjust them once a month, and spend the dimes I "earn." ~ The only time I did not track my habits was the last few days before my surgery and the two weeks following my surgery.
Buy a heart rate monitor ~ Done.

So, I would say that I have successfully acheived my goals for 2007. Now it is time to start planning my goals for 2008.

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