Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Pap Results

Two weeks ago, I had my 4 month follow up pap smear from the LEEP I had in December. She said she would call if the results were abnormal and just send a letter if the results were normal. Well, after being gone for a week, I figured I would have a letter in the mail - Nothing. Slightly paranoid. There were no phone calls showing on the caller ID from the doctor though, but the paranoia said that maybe she had tried my office number first and find out I was on vacation. I had hoped that the place we get are mail delivered had some mail stuck back for us because are box was full from being gone for a week. I had a dream on Saturday night that the doctor called and I had abnormal results. Increased paranoia. Yesterday, I had Sugar Pop ask at the UPS Store if they had any more mail for us - nothing. More paranoid. I didn't want to call the doctor because I was afraid of bad news, but finally told myself that if it was bad I would have to find out sooner or later and if it was good and could relax and stop being paranoid. So, I called this morning. The nurse called me back and my pap smear was NORMAL! Yeah...paranoid for nothing. They did send a letter - who knows where that went (and I wonder what other mail we haven't received).

Anyway...I'm happy that I'm normal and the LEEP has worked. YEAH! If anyone has any questions about a LEEP (now or if you just happened upon this post at a later date because you are having to get one), feel free to comment and I will be happy to answer any questions.


Vickie said...

Don't have ANY idea what LEEP is - ???

Glad everything worked out okay. I had a very bad "female" time in the fall - was in for lots of tests and everything was normal too - and I was really worried - because symptoms were so bad.

I have 3 very normal months in a row now - like a picture normal for everyone else anyway.

Charity said...

I had abnormal pap smears and the LEEP is a procedure where the doctor takes a thin wire loop that is electrified and uses it to remove a layer of tissue from the cervix which is supposed to remove all the bad cells. I will have pap smears every 6 months for 2 years and if they are all normal, then I can go back to once a year.