Saturday, November 03, 2007


I am tentatively scheduled for a hysterectomy on December 4th. I say tentatively, because the surgery still has to be approved by the insurance company. Hopefully, that will go smoothly.

This is actually unexpected. I am been having pap smears that go back and forth between normal and abnormal for a long time. Last December I had a LEEP procedure done and this was supposed to get rid of all the bad cells and I would have normal paps from now on. My first pap after the procedure in April was normal. Then I had another one on October 12th. I talked to my doctor this week and it is abnormal again. She is recommending a hysterectomy because of the way my cervix is titled it is hard for her to see to take a biopsy and she is afraid something might be missed and I would have the possibility of developing cancer.

I am nervous about the actual surgery and all that it entails, but I am excited about the benefit of no more periods! The timing actually works out well because as you know I have been wanting to find a new job. So far, I haven't found one which means I am still with my current employer where I have over 9 weeks of sick leave accumulated. More than enough to be out for this surgery.

So, please pray that the surgery is approved first of all and then that everything goes smoothly with surgery and my recovery afterward. I have lots to do to prepare and get ready for Christmas before then. The challenge of getting prepared is helping me feel motivated and energetic. That is just what I need right now as the days start getting shorter and that starting tomorrow it will be dark an hour earlier every day.

1 comment:

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Charity, I'll be praying that this all gets straightened out. I'm sure it must be scary, but I'd have to agree that the prospect of not having periods is quite attractive! LOL! What a blessing that you have all that sick leave accumulated. I'll keep checking back for updates. (((Hug)))