Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Kairos Novena

I binged Monday afternoon. I am tired of this. I do not want to beat myself up about it though. I am going to move forward. I will begin a NINE DAY KAIROS NOVENA to prepare myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually for the Kairos that begins on the 15th.

Here are my daily goals for the Novena:
1. Drink 5 bottles of water a day
2. Drop to 20 points (have been at 22)
3. Minimum 7,500 steps per day
4. Have Chai tea or milk instead of pudding for my evening snack.
5. Adjust morning and afternoon snacks to include carb/protein combination.
6. Quiet my world...less radio, less tv, less itunes...listen for the still small voice of God.
7. Cut down blog reading.
8. Get to bed before 11:00.
9. Prepare at least 9 bags for donation to the Women's Center.

I will also be aiming for 100% on my daily healthy habits. 9 days at 100% seems impossible "but with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

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