Sunday, September 16, 2007

House Obsessions

About two months ago, Sugar Pop got the idea to try to find a house outside of town - some place quiet with a view. Now I have been perfectly content with our house. Yes, we are along side a pretty busy street and we can't enjoy siting in the back yard because we hear cars driving by (and the neighbor's dogs barking across the alley). Another downside of the back yard is it is on the west side of the house. We do have more trees up now to give us some shade, but it can still be pretty warm and at times the sun is shining in your face. As far as the house itself, there is not much I would change. It would be nice to have a bathtub in the master for the 2 or 3 times a year I want to take a bath. It would be nice to have a 1/2 bath close to the kitchen. The garage is a little small. Other than those things I love the floor plan and we have done lots of updates. We are very conveniently located (the upside of being next to a busy street).

Even though I really don't want to move, I have now become obsessed with looking at the MLS for houses in our price and size range. It is really a big time waster. It is a bad habit I have quickly developed during the past two months and I need to break it or seriously limit the time I spend on it.

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