Sunday, April 01, 2007

Differences between a binge and a splurge:

A binge is alone. A splurge is with Friends or Family
A binge is always processed food. A splurge is probably processed food, but could just be high calorie food.
A binge is large quantity. A splurge can be a regular or large serving,
A binge is not measured. A splurge is a prepared serving.
A binge is unsatisfying. A splurge is satisfying.
During a binge I feel out of control. During a splurge I feel in control.
A binge is eating fast. A splurge is eating slow.
Don't really taste food during a binge. Savor food during a splurge.
During a binge I don't enjoy the food. A splurge is enjoyable.
Eat from the box or bag during a binge. Eat off a plate or bowl during a splurge.
A binge comes with or due to negative emotions. A splurge is for celebratory reasons.
A binge leads to guilt. A splurge doesn't.

A binge is self-indulgent. A splurge can nurture.
A binge is usually an unconscious decision. A splurge is a conscious choice.

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