Sunday, April 08, 2007


Sugar Pop played at church yesterday, so we have already started celebrating Resurrection Sunday. It was a GREAT service. Our youth minister spoke on resurrection power. It was a good sermon and it was nice to have someone from our church speak instead of the interim speakers we've been having while we look for a new pastor. The worship leader picked out some good music for the weekend. My favorite was My Redeemer Lives. (Last Easter we visited Sugar Pop's brother's church - a little country Baptist church - and the choir did that song as "special music" which meant no one got to sing along with them. I appreciated getting to stand up and sing along and raise my hands and really worship this year.) We had two baptisms. A father was baptised and then we baptized his daughter. That always gets me.

The celebration continues today. Sugar Pop is making chocolate waffles for breakfast (what a great way to break my lenten chocolate fast). We'll have the traditional ham for lunch and this afternoon we go pick up Honey and her friend from the Chrysalis retreat. I'm looking forward to hearing all about their weekend.

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