Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Bible Study

I am thinking about going to a Beth Moore bible study on Tuesday evenings. It is "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place. I haven't committed to it yet though. It starts this Tuesday. Sugar Pop and I haven't been in a small group since the first of the year and he does not want to join one right now because he is spending a lot of time at the church with the praise team. I would like to do something, but I have heard Beth Moore studies are pretty intense (and have homework!) and I am currently reading through the bible which takes a lot of my quiet time in the morning.

I must make a decision SOON!

Please comment.

1 comment:

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

I'm going to be beginning a Beth Moore study this fall too, but it's the one on Daniel. I'd love to see what you are learning and I'm sure I'll be sharing over at my blog too! Hey, two for the price of one!