Thursday, July 05, 2007


I am feeling emotionally down this morning. Reasons: I didn't eat healthy yesterday, hormones (TOM arrived this morning), I spent a lot of time yesterday looking through old photo albums (scanning pictures for my brother's 60th birthday), and this is the 5-year anniversary of my mother's passing (July 2nd was the day she died and July 5th was her funeral).

So to combat these negative emotions, I listened to worship music on my iPod while I was getting ready. Praise and worship music makes me feel better. I will continue listening to it all day to day. I will also be eating healthy and drinking plenty of water.


Anonymous said...

((( hugs ))) Good idea to put the praise music on when you're feeling low. Those 'anniversaries' can be tough, eh? I had a miscarriage on October 15, 1990, where I almost died, and then my dad went missing on November 13, 1990 and they found his body (he drowned) on November 15, 1990 -- it was a terrible time. Now it is bittersweet -- sad, but I've also seen how good God has been to our family through it all. I hope that you can experience bittersweet too. God bless! D

Anonymous said...

P.S. You can use that picture that you asked me about -- I think I got it off of a clip art site. I usually save stuff for future use. D