Friday, July 27, 2007

Fitness Friday

It has been a good week. I am solidly back in my weight range. Sugar Pop continues on with his diet. He had a few bad days - not eating bad, but days when then scale went up instead of down and it made him mad. I'm not sure what his weight did this morning.

I bought some new "food" this week. I saw milled flax seed at the grocery store and bought that to add to my oatmeal. I've had it three days now. I also spotted some Kashi Go Lean Protein Powder. I am fond of Kashi products so I thought I would try it. It is surprisingly tasty. I've had it with water (good) and milk (better). It is 5 points per serving, so it is definitely not something I would splurge on if I was trying to lose weight, but at maintenance points, I can easily fit it into my food plan. I was a little leery of it because it does contain sugar (evaporated cane juice), but because of all the protein (21g) and fiber (7g) that it contains it hasn't seemed to give me any cravings. I had some yesterday about 30-45 minutes before we headed to the gym and I had a most excellent workout on the elliptical machine. It was 30 minutes and I felt like I could have gone much longer.

I need to think about a plan for the weekend. We are going out to eat twice. Saturday night shouldn't be too difficult to make a decent choice, but Sunday we are going to lunch at the Japanese Steak House for Honey's birthday. That is going to be a big splurge and probably cause me to retain lots of water. I will enjoy it and then get right back to my healthy habits.

1 comment:

Grumpy Chair said...

I bought some milled flax seed on Wednesday. I was thinking of putting a little into an oatmeal/wheat germ cookie recipe I got from Cashmere-Rae.