Thursday, July 26, 2007

Inside versus Outside

If I have never been an openly rude and abusive person, the only reason is my own cowardice coupled with the sense of protection I receive from living a civilized life. ~ Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest (updated edition)

Yes, this is very true of me. I am little Miss Nice Nice because I am a people pleaser, but I can think lots of nasty and rude thoughts inside my head. There is a person that is in my life that I am friends with - one of those friends you wouldn't choose again, but just end of stuck with. She can be terribly rude, obnoxious, over-bearing, opinionated, proud, boastful, judgemental. But if you needed something, she would be there for you. I like to think that I am better than her because I am not those things. Truth be told, I am probably all those things, but I keep my mouth shut and try to be kind, gracious, understanding, and humble on the outside because I am afraid of what people would think of me.

1 comment:

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

Me too! I think the ugliest thoughts in my head, but you would never know it 'cuz I'm always smiling on the outside. I'm trying to learn to reconcile my inner and outer life.