Sunday, July 15, 2007

Prayer Closet

Sugar Pop and I took a driving trip this weekend. It was six hours each way. Sitting in a car for 12 hours gives me LOTS of time to think. I wore myself out with all that thinking.

I thought about feature I like about my house, things I would have different if I built one, how I would like to live in a small town, how I long for a simple life.

I did a lot of thinking about how neat it would be to have a "prayer closet." It would be the size of a walk-in closet. It would be big enough for a small barrel-back chair, a kneeler, a mantle to hold candles and such, and a book case or some shelves. I would have a light fixture in it that came from an old church. I would paint the walls in a metallic gold and hang icons on the walls. I would burn some incense so it would smell church-y. I would have a CD player in there so I could listen to worship music.

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