Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Walk to Emmaus Reunion Sheet

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Holy Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and every enjoy Your consolations. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Review your service sheet - Christ needs you. He needs you committed in faith, so that you may witness that faith in Christ with your brothers and sisters through:
Your Spiritual Life - Morning Devotion, Prayer Life, Worship Attendance, Communion, Spiritual Retreat
Your Study - Reading Holy Scriptures, Daily Spiritual Guides, Religious publications, Denominational newspapers, Religious magazines, Bible studies, Church school classes, Religious Seminars
Your Action - What have you done during this week so Christ will be better known and loved in your: Family, vocation, community, small group, Christian community

Closest to Christ - At what moment this past week did you feel closest to Christ?
When Sugar Pop and I were discussing the Devotional Classics reading and how it tied in with the sermon this week.

Call to Discipleship - At what moment during this week did you feel you were responding to God's call to be His disciple? Where did you participate in being the Church this week, the heart beat of Christ?
I called some couples that were interested in our small group to let them know we were still meeting (even with the bad weather).

Discipleship Denied - When was your faith tested this week through failure?
Last week I had told the lady who runs video at church that I would be interested in helping (now that Honey has her driver's license and I won't have to drive her anymore) and that I would come this Sunday to learn how. When it came time to set the alarm and get up early, I did not want to do it (but I did it anyway and enjoyed it once I got there).

Your old plan - How faithful were you to fulfilling your plan this week? Did everything I had planned.
Your new plan - What is your plan for spirituality, study, and action for the week to come?
Spirituality ~ Morning Quiet Time, Worship on Sunday.
Study ~ Continue bible reading and devotional reading. Need to read and study devotional for small group. I am going to lead this time.
Action ~ Kairos team meeting on Saturday, make at least one trip to the Downtown Women's Center with donations.

Prayer of Thanksgiving:
Almighty God, who lives and reigns forever, we give You thanks for all the gifts You have bestowed upon us. Amen.

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