Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Day of Rest

I've been reading a blog called "Out of the Shadows." Dee is definitely a Christian. She does not wear her pedometer on Sundays because it is the Lord's Day, a day of rest. I was getting ready this morning and thinking about that and rationalizing that it was ok to work out on Sunday because it was relaxing to me. BUT, Sunday was MADE for rest which means my body probably needs a day of rest from exercise even if I don't think it does. So, starting this coming Sunday I won't wear my pedometer and the only exercise I will do will be stretching. Now that I have made that commitment, I am looking forward to it!


Vickie said...

I am so glad that you like her - I thought that you would. Do you know to have your speakers turned ON/UP when you are on her site? She plays music.

ADasa said...

Hi Charity & Vickie,
I'm glad that you enjoy my blog! Just to clarify, I'm not against exercising on Sunday - we often go for a walk - but I did find that when I wore my pedometer on Sunday, I was concentrating on the pedometer and not on it being the Lord's day. So, even when we go for walks, they're relaxing and they're family/friend time and I take a break from formal exercise. I hope to come back & read more but baby boy is crying...