Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy Heart

I trust in your love. My heart is happy because you saved me. I sing to the Lord because he has taken care of me. ~ Psalm 13:5-6

Some mornings it is really hard to get out of bed to have my quiet time. This was one. I've been feeling like I was getting a cold, I wanted some extra sleep, it's cold, Sugar Pop didn't hear my first alarm so we didn't have our normal snuggle time. But, I had to get up because I am going with Sugar Pop to church early and learn how to run the video. It will be fun, but scary because everyone sees if you mess up.

Anyway, even though I wasn't thrilled about getting out of bed, my heart is now happy. Reading the Word does that for me. It changes me. That is a good thing, because there are days when I really need a lot of changing.

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